Retaining Walls

Our retaining walls, Big or Small, are ALL built to last forever. Our retaining walls are all warrantied for 25 years or longer. We install world class Geo-Grid technology on every single wall, even if its 2 blocks tall. Every single wall of ours also comes with a drainage zone, included in the cost of the wall. Drainage zones are CRUCIAL to the longevity of a retaining wall, and will help tremendously in the cohesion of how your property operates.

retaining wall homeward

Retaining walls can play a significant role in addressing drainage issues by effectively managing
water flow and preventing erosion. Here’s how they help:

Diversion of Water
Prevention of Erosion
Water Storage and Release
Leveling of Land
Integration with Drainage Systems
Diversion of Water

Retaining walls can be strategically designed to redirect water away from areas prone to flooding or pooling. By altering the natural slope of the land, they channel water towards designated drainage systems or away from vulnerable structures.

Prevention of Erosion

In sloped areas, retaining walls act as barriers that hold back soil and prevent it from washing away during heavy rains. This helps maintain the stability of the terrain and prevents erosion that can further exacerbate drainage problems.

Water Storage and Release

Some retaining walls can incorporate drainage pipes or weep holes that allow water to pass through or be collected. This controlled drainage helps regulate the water table and prevents excessive saturation of the soil, which can lead ton waterlogged conditions.

Leveling of Land

By creating terraced levels, retaining walls can create flat or gently sloped areas where water can infiltrate the soil more effectively. This promotes natural drainage and reduces the accumulation of surface water.

Integration with Drainage Systems

Retaining walls can be integrated into comprehensive drainage plans, where they work in tandem with other drainage structures such as French drains or swales. This coordinated approach ensures efficient water management across the property.

Overall, retaining walls are not just structural elements but also functional components that can significantly enhance drainage by managing water flow, preventing erosion, and improving the overall stability and usability of the land.

At Homeward Environmental, we take pride in our techniques and processes.
We use only the best materials and products available.

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